Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What Brought Me Here--Part I

Today we are making sausages—Beef Stix to be precise.  The Saturday after Thanksgiving is a painfully slow one.  A large tub of ground beef and seasoning sits on the counter waiting to be mixed.  I don elbow-length green rubber gloves.
            Burt tells me, “There’s a trick to it; hold your arms out.”  He sprays both sides of the gloves with Pam.
            I say, “Excellent,” a la Mr. Burns as I tap my fingertips together maniacally.
            “You’re scaring me.”
            “I scare my boss at my other job, too.”
            “Yeah, but we have knives and stuff here,” he replies.
            “I import my own knives to my other job.”
            This does not at all surprise Burt.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Meal Recap

I’ve gotten behind in sharing my cookery, so here’s a quick and dirty run down and some pornographic photos for your enjoyment:

I brought a whole chicken home from the shop last time, and did a homemade version of the pork/poultry rub for it.  I was surprised I actually remembered all the measurements, I just had to scale them down a lot.  Thank goodness for my spatula.  One of my favorite Christmas gifts in recent years is this pair of silicone spatulas that a lady at work got for me because they had skulls on them.  One of them has a conversion chart on the back of it.  These things cost $2 at Target and they have proven invaluable to me.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pig Day

“I’m here to see Foster about a pig.”
            “Then you and me got the same problem, sister.  Foster ain’t here.”
            Shit.  I took off work to be here; and I just put two hours worth of quarters in the damn meter. 
            “Have a seat and I’ll talk to the other cooks; want something to drink while you wait?”
            “Sprite please.  Thanks.”